Guernsey's Post and Go stamps depict 2023 Seasonal message

Guernsey Stamps announces that two of its Post & Go kiosks will vend stamps depicting a seasonal message during December.

From 1-22 December 2023, the GG02 and GG05 series kiosks, located at the main Post Office at Envoy House, La Vrangue, St Peter Port and at the Market Street Post Office, St Peter Port, will vend the Visiting Cruise Ships Post & Go stamp designs.

Both kiosks will display the overprint message Peace of Earth. 

Priced at £6.32  each of the Post & Go stamp strips will comprise the following values: - 
Gsy letter up to 100g
UK letter up to 100g
Gsy large letter up to 100g
EUR letter up to 20g
ROW letter up to 20g
UK large letter up to 100g